BEMER Therapy
BEMER (Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation) Improves microcirculation and promotes the blood flow in the smallest blood vessels. This improves the performance of the body's cells, which promotes self-healing in the body.

​BEMER Therapy
$20 (15 minute session)
Diathermy Therapy
Diathermy is an electrical induced heat wave that utilizes electromagnetic radio waves to convert energy into a deep heat that aids in healing the body. For example, the flu, chest colds, congestion, allergies, ear infection, and more.
​Diathermy Therapy
$20 (30 minute session)
Light Therapy
Light Therapy (Life Light) is a non-invasive tool that uses LED light therapy in the red and infrared spectrums to aid in healing and pain relief on the cellular level. LED light therapy is safe, painless, and has n-o know side effects.
There are 26 treatment protocols are available, including:
Energy Booster
Deep Bruising / Muscle Bone
Soft Tissue Repair
Dense Tissue Repair
Bone and Joint Injuries
Strains and Sprains
Tendinitis, Shin Splints Tennis Elbow-Nephropathy, for concussions
Light Therapy Pricing
$15 (for 15 minutes)
$30 (for 30 minutes)